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Showing posts from 2020

Hidup Dalam Kenangan

 Dear diary, Lagi pengen nulis lagi untuk hari ini, tiba-tiba teringat lagi kenangan yang telah lalu bersama angel, bagaimana kami berpetualang di alam, yup, alam  kebetulan adalah hal yang kami sukai berdua, walopun terlambat untuk diketahui oleh kami. Salah satunya yang terlintas dalam benakku adalah ketika kami melakukan perjalanan ke pemandian air belerang di suatu tempat di daerah Tangerang. Perjalanan jauh yang seru dan kami menikmatinya. Setiba disana kami pun berendam di kolam yang tersedia, kolam-kolam dengan air memutih karena belerang dan asap yang mengepul. Setelah sekian lama berendam dan kami mengakhirinya, kami langsung kembali pulang setelah sempat berhenti untuk makan di tengah jalan. Ketika tiba di rumah, kami kok merasakan kelelahan yang amat sangat, badan berasa rontok dan lemas sekali. Dan ternyata, barulah kami tersadar bila kami terlalu lama berendam setelah membaca dari google. Dear diary, Aku tersenyum sendiri mengingat itu. Yup, saat ini aku hanya bis...

Proper Good Bye

Time is up.. Where is she Night is late But I can't see My heart so itchy Calling your name loudly I know I am sleepy But can't sleep before you talk to me Proper good bye you said That's what I am looking for It's getting late to night But worth to fight for However life has changed You wont get that bye-bye I should accept the changed End the night without proper good bye Its okay my lady I understand and please don't sorry I smile my lady I sent my good bye to you silently Miss u so much, be good and take care my lady Love u so much, sleep tight and sweet dream my lady

Happy for You

So crowded now, but I'm so empty You shhh me, but I'm missing you like crazy To do anything, I'm so lazy Even my beast, laying there with no energy Trying to write, but i don't know what to do wish you are here now, and allow me to hug you Day by day passed, and I'm still have no clue don't care with my dress, everyday I'm just feeling blue Dear my angel, wish you all the best with your broken wings I will always be here to grab you if you are falling A word from you is amazing gift for me the one who felt has no destiny Please be happy my lady Cause I will happy for you Please be strong my lady Cause I will be strong for you too hufh...

Your Name...

Staring on your name... silence Staring on your name... but nothing happen Without saying a word waiting Wish your online status typing Dear my lady, don't you know that i am lonely Without you to make me happy The pain is real miserably I'm trying to sleep but its so heavy Staring on your name I am missing you Staring on your name I wish I could hug you hufh...

Help Me..

So many things in my mind I do afraid to be left behind I miss her so deeply But can't tell her too many Take a deep breath repeatedly Hope to calm down my misery I have the hole inside and its empty Can't heal it up and I'm envy Day after day i am weaker Laying on my bed and can only whisper Dear my lady half of my heart I am missing u so much What will happen to me Dear Lord please help me hufh...

Lubang Hidung

Damai.... Senyum terkembang Angin berhembus Awan berarak.. Rambut melambai-lambai Angin berhembus indahnya alam lubang menganga besar bukan lah hampa Indah terasa Reff: Mata mu terpejam Hangat mu tersimpan indah nan rupawan Mata mu terpejam Hangat mu tersimpan Pesona memabukkan Bidadari terbang tak kan kubiarkan kau kembali pulang Tanpa diriku menyertaimu hingga akhir hayatku

Gelap Kelabu

Ketika hampa kembali terasa Dan sang durjana tertawa hahaha Ketika sepi kembali menghujam Dan sang gelap menari tralala Tatap nanar kucing coklat menusuk Dengkurnya berusaha untuk memeluk Aku terdiam dalam gelap kelabu Rasakan kembali setan yang kurindu Kuhanya ingin kembali sendiri Tanpa ada yang bisa untuk mengerti Gelegak membuncah kembali tenang Ku tak lagi merasa gundah dan lapang Apalagi yang akan direnggut? Hanya kamu yang tersisa kenapa ku harus menakutinya? Ketika sepi kembali menghujam Dan sang gelap menari tralala Dia tak lagi senang Bayang dirimu kembali datang Pertempuran tak berkesudahan Dan aku hanya pasrah dalam temaram

Tak Mampu

Tersekat... Kelu mencekat Tak sanggup aku berharap mengingat.. Bernafas... Ku berusaha bernafas namun tak pernahlah cukup ingin memeluk... kau yang ada terus menghantui diriku kau yang membuatku takut kehilanganmu Tak mampu ku bayangkan tanpa dirimu Hingga aku terbujur kaku Tak mampu...


Pukul 7 malam hari dalam malam yang sunyi Petik gitar ku berbunyi Sampaikan rindu di hati menanti kamu disini Kucing coklat hilir mudik Gelisah wakili hati Ku menanti dirimu kasih Nada-nada yang dirangkai hati Balut pedih susah di hati Reffx2: tenanglah kasihku hadirmu kutunggu janganlah engkau meragu Kucing coklat hilir mudik Gelisah wakili hati Ku menanti dirimu kasih Nada-nada yang dirangkai hati Balut pedih susah di hati x2

In Your Eyes

Starting today, hope a beautiful day I see the sky, but my mind in your eyes Working today shit but I am not okay Wish you are here be my side and lay Reff: No  I don't love you like the other says My feeling to you is bigger then said No I don't miss you like the other says I'm just dying while you cannot stay I am working and I do try hard now But you keep dancing on my mind like a show Starting today, hope a beautiful day My eyes to the sky, but my mind in your eyes my mind in your eyes... my mind in your eyes... my mind in your eyes...

Rindu Terlarang

Suaramu, bayangmu, senyummu, terbayang selalu Semakin berusaha melupakan, semakin membayang di kalbu Kamu, belahan jiwaku... Membuatku kehilangan kata2 rindukanmu Duhai kamu, yang ingin kusapa disana Tahukah kamu belahan hatiku masih kau bawa Kutahu dirimu telah ada yang lain Tapi hati ini tak jua bisa berpaling Kamu, kurengkuh sepenuh hati dalam sanubari Hangat terasa dan sakit tak terperi Darahku memancar dari belahan hati Ketika kupererat pelukan dalam diri Rindu ini terlarang Tapi aku semakin meradang Berdenyut... menyakitkan Duhai aku teramat sayang... Hufh...


Kutuggu dirimu yang terlelap hanyut dalam mimpi Kulihat wajahmu yang membahagiakan hati Waktu bergulir begitu lambat terasa Bahagia kurasakan tak terhingga rasanya Belenggu yang mengikat seumur hidupku Tak mampu lagi membuat hidupku kelu Kau hadir dalam setiap nafasku Kau simpan belahan hatiku dalam dirimu Reff: Duhai, kekasih kau buatku terlena Meski kau diam seribu bahasa Kutunggu dirimu, dalam setiap waktuku Hingga akhir hayat menjemput ajalku Waktu bergulir begitu lambat terasa Bahagia kurasakan tak terhingga rasanya Belenggu yang mengikat seumur hidupku Tak mampu lagi membuat hidupku kelu


Rasa Yang terukir didada Rasa Yang tercipta membara Rindu Yang terus menggelayut kalbu Teringat dirimu tak pernah kuragu Teringat dirimu tak lagi sendu Reff: Kuharap kau disini temani ku sendiri Arungi dunia bagai surga duniawi Meraih asa di dada Mengungkap rasa yang ada Menari bersatu dalam sukma ini Rasa Yang terukir didada Rasa Yang tercipta membara Rindu Yang terus menggelayut kalbu Teringat dirimu tak pernah kuragu Teringat dirimu tak lagi sendu Rasa...

Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick Tock Keep starring on the wall Tick Tock Tick Tock Hoping you show up just like usual Tick Tock Tick Tock Times keep ticking Tick Tock Tick Tock I am still waiting Tick Tock Tick Tock We talk a lot without a word Tick Tock Tick Tock Even only Online status not a word Tick Tock Tick Tock Time is about to up Tick Tock Tick Tock When we usually good bye the night Time is up my dear Thanks God I can survive the day I hope to see you tomorrow dear Hope next time we can say good bye Hufh...

I am Wrong

I though i am strong There will be nothing wrong But the truth is what I feel I miss her so fuckin real I felt ache in my heart I felt ache in my skin I wish i could torn them a part But you remind me to not making a sin Dear Lord I asked your forgiveness For the hurt that I barely hold Tears washing the hurt inside my chest Oh dear I just want to take you and hold Dear my lady and my soul Can you hear me i screaming your name out loud Dear my lady and half of my heart You are my sunshine in the middle of the crowd Kuma meowing sadly He just want to be hold gently How come he would know my feeling is mystery But hope I can cope and out of this misery I know its wrong but my love to you is real I know its wrong I do hope my pain can be healed Hufh...

A Myth

I've been told... many times "no woman strong enough to be with me" I reject it at that times But then the mistake is me Years I tried to catch a love Years I tasted it like a dope I thought Its not a myth Damn, I just dip into another shit I learnt my lesson well With the hurt and swell Crawling to be live on Hope not to end like a moron I know its a myth Why I insist to taste it

Dream Always Has End

Years being together Hope will be last forever But this is only a dream At the end, you pushed to choose him Good bye the oath that has been taken It only words to be burden We chosen the way of impossible We learnt the lesson that we taken At the end, there is only me and my black dog Hope only for those who has light despite the long journey and the road full of rocks But dream always has end unfortunate We are smile yet hurt so much But I know who I am more then ever now No i am sorry i am not mad Wish you all the best and fortune anyhow What should i do now? Where should i go? I am walking through the road again with more ache and pain we love each other but doesn't mean we can be together.. *smile.... what a life :)

Wind In the Rain

Been long time I can feel the wind on my face again Been long time And Im happy like kid in the rain Rocky road I chosen Along with my angel who is broken We both broken With bitter life eaten The song sing by the wind Make me comfort on its own way I heard it and remind me how the desert became green Tame my devil inside to catch its prey